How does it feel to be back?

So, here I am--about a month into my new tier of chemo meds (Venclexta and Kyprolis) and I feel... I guess I feel the same as I did before I started them. People keep asking me how I feel and "still tired" is about the only thing I can honestly say. 

How are you supposed to feel a month into a new chemo regimen? I guess I don't know. I don't recall feeling particularly different after beginning the Revlimid / Velcade / Dexamthasone triad back in 2015. I think a part of the issue with the 2015 treatment was that I was just coming off of radiation for the tumour on my spine. I imagine that there was probably a change, but that I was unable to fully take stock in the difference the meds were making on my overall health. 

Things like the esophageal burn and twisting pain in my left should blade likely offset any of the benefits I was getting from the chemo.

Flash forward to 2018 and all of the things going on with me at present. If you've been following along with my adventures in Cancerland, I tend to not freak out about every little feeling in my body, which, for better or for worse, has served me quite well thus far. I'm going to chat with my doctor this week about some sensations I've been having in my back the last couple weeks. I call them "sensations" and not "pains" or "aches" because I don't feel they have reached that level as of yet. Still, these sensations are oddly familiar to the ones I felt in 2014 and 2015. Granted, they are much milder--so much so that I could easily dismiss them and not report them, but given the recent change in my disease levels, I can't do that in full confidence. 

The sensations are mid-back to upper back and over to my left shoulder blade. Based on the location, I have to wonder whether or not a new tumour has taken up residence in that vicinity or if I am just experiencing some nerve issues from the compression fractures from 2014. Either way, I think letting Dr. V know about it would be prudent. 

We'll see how things play out and we will continue exploring the two-meaning question "how does it feel to be back?"

Happy holidays, everyone! 


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