Happy New Year: The Story Continues...

You know what's great? Getting the opportunity to start afresh; to have a completely clean slate to scribble upon. This is generally what we expect from a new year. 

Unfortunately, the reality of a new year is that the old year just follows you into it. You can try all you'd like to leave the old year behind, but really, the debt, the losses and even the medical issues that cannot and will not be resolved are still present and the story merely continues. So it's up to us as individuals to decide how we are going to start the new year. If we aren't already in a good place, perhaps it's time for us to get ourselves there. Right?


I am grateful that I did get my MRI results on the Saturday before Christmas. The results of that scan showed that my spine is continuing to deteriorate as expected and that there might be some odd radiation-related signature located near my spine from when they shot up the tumour back in the good old days of 2015. And despite all that or because of all that, there's nothing new to report and that's the good news. 

At present, we need to schedule the next bone marrow biopsy to see how the Venclexta is working. So far, based on the hemoglobin levels, it seems to be working and we'll take that. Unfortunately, we won't really know until we "drill for oil" again. For the moment, the Venclexta appears to be giving me a perpetual headache and I'm not a fan.

Anyhow, I really do need to find a day to do this. My medical team originally wanted me to do this in January, but Lou and I are more interested about the short trip we'll be taking to San Francisco over Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend and into the middle of the week. And honestly, that's OK. I need a little break. 

Maybe I can make a deal to schedule this appointment on President's Day. Until then, we have the MRI results and I'm fine with that.


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