Moments of XXXXXXX Semi-quiet Terror and Frustration
Well, maybe not moments of total silence, but moments of sheer agony and disappointment where I shriek in pain and self that doesn't make for a good title. I'll change that. There are days and sometimes weeks where I don't feel like communicating with people. It's not that I don't want to talk, but rather that I don't have the energy or ambition to so. I've been dealing with pain, both intense as well as nagging. So, I just sit here, looking at my screen. Looking. And looking. Maybe (Oh, look... it's three weeks later! I didn't even feel like typing anything). Since I have absolutely no clue where I was going with this, I'm just going to make an educated guess and pretend I am one month-ago me. I've just done a lot of guessing. I've discovered my brain is a bowl of Alphabet soup and think I've found the map to my destination, I realised I'm spelling things incorrectly and hitting random keys, thinking I'm spelling actual wor...